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World Wide Fund of Nature insisted thirteen countries including India to strengthen anti-poaching efforts required to stop wildlife threatening all over Asia. Poaching is becoming globally fourth largest banned trade. The highest profit margin from which remains $ 20 billion.

Free ranging tigers all over the world being three thousand, nine hundred,70% of world’s tiger population is still in India. According to WWF its impossible to track how many traps are being planned for poaching puposes which are rapidly spreading in Asian forests. Sumatra tropical rain forests faced double trapping of animals for poaching between 2006-2014, as confirmed by WWF.

A survey made shows that in 2015, 50 tigers and 127 leopards were killed. Catastrophic increase is seen the next year itself where 129 tigers and 419 leopards died. (BY IANS)

Killing of animals in such large scale would soon make most of the animal species even the commonest ones extinct. Our Natural assests are our responsibilities. We being humans should be aware of such grave crime that is been commited and at least contribute to spread this news so viral, that even poacher’s should think twice before killing animals for mere business.

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